
「Project ACP Ⅱ – Enhancing Professional Capabilities of the Health Care Providers engaged in Advance Care Planning」

日時 2023年5月20日
場所 台湾・高雄(Zoom参加)
発表者 宮下 淳

Title:Advance Care Planning Guideline in Japan

Abstract:Japan is the most aged society in the world. By 2025, for the first time worldwide, more than 30% of the Japanese population will be 65 years and over. Advance care planning (ACP) discussions will be essential for supporting older adults to continue to live in the community until the end of life. Japanese family-centered decision-making and high-context culture need to be considered for promoting ACP in Japan. We conducted the Delphi study to develop ACP’s definition and action guidelines according to Japanese culture and customs. This talk aims to describe the environmental and historical backgrounds surrounding ACP in Japan and introduce research regarding “Japan’s advance care planning.”